Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Curve fitting in R

This is a simple example of a linear fit where a perfect fit is distorted with the help of a gaussian function. This data is then fit to a linear model. The most important factor determining the success of a fit is the model equation and the second most important factor is suitable starting values of the fit variables (a and b in this case). Further, if you assign the output to a variable called fit, values a and b can be extracted using:

fit < - nls

Friday, April 19, 2013

Saving data frames in R

If 'df' is your data frame,
save the data frame in to a .rdf file which is readable. Although the file as lot more data than you might want, loading the file back into R irons out any wrinkles.

Edit Jan 2014
If however you really want to avoid additional lines in the saved file, try the following:
This should produce a clean file with your data in a neat column.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Speaker and Mic settings on Ubuntu Linux

Although Skype and Google video get installed fairly easily on Ubuntu, bad sound settings could be a show stopper. Alsamixer controls the sound and mic and can be force rebooted using:

alsa force-reload
alsa reload

This usually fixes most problems. Other useful links: